In the vibrant city of Lisbon, a talented group of young musicians came together in the year 2019 to form an electrifying rock band. United by their passion for music, these individuals brought their unique talents and creativity to the forefront, creating a sound that captured the essence of their generation.

Their performances became an instant hit, captivating audiences with their powerful vocals, mesmerizing guitar solos, and dynamic drumming. Quickly gaining local recognition, The Redbeds blend classic Rock 'n' Roll with modern music, earning a devoted fan base.

Featured in the "A Son Named Erasmus" (2019), they won the Rootstock Contest Festival (2020) and Best New Talent at IPMA (2021). Their first live performance at Rock in Rio Lisboa in 2022 marked a milestone, solidifying their global presence.

With their infectious energy and undeniable talent, this rock band from Lisbon is poised to make a lasting impact on the music world.